Have we learned from the past?

Am I the only one who remembers way back when there was a similar head line, “Save our trees, use plastic?"

Editor, The Times:

Maybe I’m just too old! A recent headline in your paper made me shutter, “Schools to go paperless, save trees!”

Duh! Am I the only one who remembers way back when there was a similar head line, “Save our trees, use plastic.” Is this going to lead 30 – 40 years down the road to the same situation we are in today re: plastic bags? Are they going to have the same problem re: electronic waste?

Question – Are not trees a renewable source? I thought at one time, it was that for every tree cut, we were to replant two. Did that go by the wayside too, like so many good intentions.

Oh well, I won’t be here to see or know. But! My children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will be. Stop! Do we really want to go down that road? Haven’t we learned anything from our mistake/actions of the past?

Jean Gross,

Clearwater, B.C.

Editor’s Note: The headline in our Jan. 16 issue actually read, “Local schools move towards paperless future.”



Clearwater Times