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A big beef to those spendthrifts who authorized the creation of bike lanes on Comox Avenue.

A big beef to those spendthrifts who authorized the creation of bike lanes on Comox Avenue. Traffic has been considerably disrupted during the construction phase and one can only imagine the cost being incurred to satisfy a small group of “enthusiasts.” It must be a “make work project,” but in these times of fiscal restraint, when even  potable water has to be rationed during the summer, one is left to wonder at the level of common sense employed when making the decision to spend precious public funds on yet another costly and unnecessary extravagance. I hear you now want to raise municipal taxes. Well, think again.

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On behalf of all the participants in this year’s Snow to Surf event, all 170 plus teams, we would like to thank all the sponsors and many volunteers who spent countless hours organizing and making sure everything proceeded as planned. Hats off to you all for a job

well done. It is events such as this which helps to promote an active and healthy lifestyle and bring communities together. These type of events also introduce individual, young and old to many wonderful activities the Comox Valley has to offer. Thank you again for a job well done and we look forward to participating in future annual events, especially the 30th anniversary challenge coming up next year.

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Royal LePage in the Comox Valley would like to thank everyone who came to our third annual Garage Sale for Shelter, and despite the weather we had a good time. Thanks also goes out to the following businesses for their help and donations: TD Canada Trust; Tim Hortons-Ryan Rd; Courtenay Honda and the Comox Valley Record. We raised more money than last year to help a very good cause, and are looking forward to better things next year.

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The Comox Valley Land Trust thanks our sponsors, Edible Island and London Drugs, for generously providing delicious snacks for our volunteers. We also gratefully acknowledge Henriette Beaudin for inviting us into her garden and providing enough inspiration for two articles, Karin Kratz for calling 130 volunteers twice, Jennifer Strong for transforming rough notes into print-worthy articles, and especially all of our generous plant donors and volunteers, without whom our plant sale could not succeed. Thank you all for helping the Comox Valley Land Trust continue to conserve the natural wealth of the Comox Valley.

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I was recently visiting the Comox Valley and accidentally left my purse at Ricky’s Restaurant. The wonderful staff there made two long-distance phone calls to telephone numbers they found in my address book that matched my driver’s licence and kept my purse in their safe until I was able to pick it up. I am exceedingly grateful to these young people and wish to publicly thank them. They are certainly a credit to their community.

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Big beef to those golf courses who charge their members green fees to play in a fun tournament put on by local sports teams or a local dealership. Why am I paying membership and have to pay it again? This is a total money grab by those golf clubs that practise such a thing. What does a membership mean when you pay to golf for free at the course you join? Some courses do not and I praise them for not double-dipping their members.

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Thank you from Beta Sigma Phi Comox Valley. We would like to thank all those who supported our recent two-day conclave. We had almost 200 people, representing 20 different communities from Vancouver Island and the Mainland. It was your kindness that helped make us a great success and allowed us to do the Comox Valley proud. Special thanks to MLA Don McRae; City of Courtenay; Town of Comox; Village of Cumberland; Sue Medley and Barry Donaldson; Chances Courtenay; Fanny Bay’s Natural Glacial Waters; G. McWilliams/ Robert H. Ash; Monarch Lions; Quality Foods; Square 1 Travel; Walmart — your donations were greatly appreciated.

Comox Valley Record