Readers write about the issues that mean the most to them




A big thank you to Habitat For Humanity for putting on an inspiring and informative evening at the First Nations hall last Tuesday.  Though I’ve participated in a Habitat build overseas what I learned from the talks is that there are many ways locally to give families a hand up in owning their own home.  The most exciting thing for me was finding out that there’s a woman’s build locally.  All ages and experience levels are welcome.  If construction isn’t your thing there are many ways to participate by helping prepare meals, musical entertainment. For more info you can go to, www.habitatnorthisland.com or call, 250-334-3777 ext. 312.




I’m wondering why the community with  the fastest growth rate for young families was left out of the request for Provincial funds for  youth outdoor activities in Cumberland?







Big thanks to Petland in Courtenay for their support of the Kitty Kat P. A. L. Society adoption centre. Petland is now my favourite store anywhere.




A bouquet of good karma for the person who found and turned in the black wallet found in the Boston Pizza parking lot. You ended what could have been days of anxiety and stress.




Many thanks to Dr. Cornock and the staff at St. Joseph’s Hospital, for the fine care they showed my wife Vera. You folks are awesome! Thanks again.




I don’t know why seniors are being singled out for their driving abilities when it seems almost no one of any age in the Comox Valley can figure out basic traffic rules such as who goes first at four-way stops and even more death-defying, those who make left turns into a two-lane thoroughfare and instead of completing the turn in the left lane, zip right across to the right lane. For the sake of me and my children, please turn into the left lane, use your turn signal (if you know what that is) and then move into the right lane. Thank you.




Do you have somebody to praise or something you have to get off your chest? Have your say by submitting to editor@comoxvalleyrecord.com. You can also get a written submission to 765 McPhee Ave., Courtenay, B.C. V9N 2Z7 or fax to 250-338-5568.


Comox Valley Record