HAVE YOUR SAY: Comox Grade 3s clean up messes made by other people

We, the Grade 3 classes at Brooklyn Elementary School cleaned up the streets around our school on the afternoon of Sept. 21.

We, the Grade 3 classes at Brooklyn Elementary School cleaned up the streets around our school on the afternoon of Sept. 21.  We walked around the neighbourhood and picked up garbage with gloved hands. We found lots and lots of cigarette butts, however not a lot of other garbage! We would like to thank the people around our school area for helping the world be a cleaner, better place. We think the people of our neighbourhood are being respectful and responsible for the environment. We hope our community always stays this way.A different opinion in regard to the recent survey put out by the  Citizens Voice Project. What you may perceive as just an innocent wishlist that all the people of the Valley would love to happen is actually these people’s agenda. At some point I am sure it is their intention to endorse the political candidates they feel are sympathetic to their ambitions. If they are successful in electing them, they will then demand that they approve any project that they can dream up that they deem meets their agenda, all based on this survey as their mandate to do so and of course all with your tax dollars. If at some point taxpayers object to the crushing tax increases that would be necessary to fund this agenda, they will just say we are just giving you what you said you wanted when you answered yes to all those questions. So if you’re thinking about participating in this survey, be careful what you wish for.Today is a beautiful day even if it is raining. I am going to sit on my covered deck and enjoy my neighbour’s wind chimes. Their Canada flag looks especially nice today. After I ride my bike into town, I will dance, laugh, sing, play street hockey, smile and talk to my fellow community members. Maybe I should join the Communist Party. Later in the week I will jump in my glider and after that fly my RC helicopter. Oh yeah, my trusty and beloved dog will accompany me whenever possible. He may even pause to take the occasional crap. I will wish only good karma on the old gal who blasted her horn and came close to running me over while I was on my bike last week. Cheers. Have a good day and smile. Life is good! Take a step out of your CAVE (complain about virtually everything) and live life. You only have one! On a positive note, I would like to thank the staff of two local stores in Comox for inspiring me with your cheerfulness and excellent customer service. The girls at Fields always have a wonderful smile and cheerful attitude,and the staff at Pharmasave on Guthrie road who are always cheerful, helpful and professional. It doesn’t take much to make a person’s day so let’s ‘pay it forward’ and pass the smiles along.A five-star rating for Nissan! Over the summer my family bought two vehicles from Comox Valley Nissan. The staff were friendly, helpful, low pressure and family-oriented. We had a pleasant experience and would not hesitate to continue doing business with them in the future!Do you have somebody to praise or something you have to get off your chest? Have your say by submitting to editor@comoxvalleyrecord.com. You can also fax to 250-338-5568 or get a written submission to 765 McPhee Ave., Courtenay, B.C. V9N 2Z7.

Comox Valley Record