HAVE YOUR SAY: December 11

Organizers of the 30 Minute Challenge “Feel Like A Million” would like to thank all our sponsors and the residents of the Comox Valley for your support.

Let’s face it.  Most of us know or should know that our world is in a mess.  We are overwhelmed by the number of causes out there and we wonder if it is even possible to affect change when we do take action.  We tend to pick and choose our battles according to how we are affected by them and we are usually most affected by actions that are closest to us.

Our jewel in the crown, Goose Spit, is in jeopardy due to massive coal export expansion planned for Texada Island.  When we look out over Goose Spit we will see coal barges (twice a day) and supertankers transferring coal to Asia.  The light pollution will also be significant.  The coal is transported  to Vancouver from Wyoming by train, barged to Texada and then put in a supertanker to go to Asia.  Washington and Oregon refused to allow a dirty coal transfer station but Canada said, ‘Come on in. We’ll do it! Why not?’  How ludicrous!  Let’s vote in leaders who care about us and our planet.  After all when our planet is destroyed we cannot eat money. I have seen very little in our local papers about this project.  I challenge our local papers to educate the Comox Valley about this project.  You can educate yourself at Massive Coal Export Expansion Planned for Texada Island and Port Metro Vancouver — Sierra Club BC

Bouquets to the 250 people who turned out for the Lorne open house. People do care about their little town by the sea. Beefs to the architect for a design that will not do anything to attract people to our downtown core. The vision has to be much bigger and we all need to put our heads together to come up with some way of attracting the tourist dollar. Go to Google images and look at Winthrop Washington. Tourists go there solely for the look and feel of the funky town. False fronts, quaint shops, boardwalks.  Craig Freeman (letter to he editor Dec. 2) should run for council. He seems to have lots of answers, but will anyone listen?

A big Shout out and thanks to Angela and staff at the Holiday Inn Express in Courtenay. When approached for the donation of a stay for a  family at the Inn, they responded quickly and positively.  The Natural History Museum on Hornby Island (a must see!) was able to raffle off this terrific prize at the Hornby Christmas Faire. The funds raised will allow us to continue with one of the exciting projects scheduled for 2015. Thank you so much, Holiday Inn, for your support!

Dear Campbell’s Food Service, I was elated to discover yesterday that you offer a canned (pull tab at that!) Wicked Thai Style Soup with Chicken. Additionally, my grocery store had them on sale for just $0.75/can! I theorized that this could solve all my meals for the foreseeable future and, enthusiastically, bought an entire flat. Please be advised that your canned (pull tab) Wicked Thai Style Soup with Chicken (do not add water) does not taste like any Thai Style Soup with Chicken I’ve ever consumed, Thai being my preferred ethnic food. The description on the label of your product is as follows: An exotic blend of chicken, rice, peppers and aromatic spices including lemongrass, enhanced with the flavour of coconut in a spicy broth. <— NOTE: AT NO POINT ARE MUSHROOMS REFERENCED. I propose the following revised product description for your label: An unsettling blend of rotten frog feces, roadkill from last week and aromatic stench of moldy tuna. This is enhanced by chewy chunks of something that you claim to be chicken in a broth with the consistency and colouring of Pepto Bismol. WARNING: Contains Mushrooms. As the name would imply, this soup is, indeed, “Wicked”. It stunk up my entire condo, took me half a bottle of Vanilla Cinnamon Bailey’s (which I highly recommend ) to get the taste out of my mouth (I was out of milk) and ultimately ended up down the drain, at which point I was reminded that my new condo is NOT equipped with a garborator. On another note, there is no place in Thai soup for mushrooms, just as there is no place in cookies for raisins. I understand now why this product is marked down 75% and will be returning my remaining 23 cans to the grocery store this evening as I cannot even ethically donate them to the food bank. I do still quite like your canned chili though.

“just for Laughs”  from Montreal  Dec. 2, 2014. I enjoy comedy  so I persevered to watch and listen to most of it  from Montreal  Dec. 2.  At least  two  performers used a lot of profane instead of English words (bleep,  bleep bleep  and more bleeps). These foul-mouthed comedians ruin the comedy for me and others who may be in their 70s. And what awful examples for their own youth and others! I had to turn it off. I am disappointed  that so many of us let this type of gutter language into our homes. Imagine, many people paid good money  to be part of the audience! Come on “Just for Laughs”, clean up your mouths please and your acts. Signed, a discouraged senior citizen.

Could we equip the crane operator of the hospital construction site with a camera to take one photo a day or week during the building process? At the end it would make a great slide show!

To everyone who has taken the time and effort to put up Christmas lights – thank you for making our community pretty.

We are all human and we all have flaws.  How easy it is to find fault with others because they think, act, or look differently than you do, or because of your own jealousy. Under such scrutiny, even Mother Teresa would look like a complete jerk.

This is a huge thank-you to all the generous people of the Comox Valley for your caring and support during my 4th Homeless Coat Drive.  With your help we have managed to collect approximately 2,000 pounds of winter clothing.  I would especially like to thank Remax in Courtenay for the use of their parking lot.  I would like to thank Dr. Price in Comox for his office as a drop-off site.  I would like to thank Sheri Featherstone and her amazing group of volunteers for sorting and laundering all the donations!!!  AWESOME. See you next year!!!  Merry Christmas from Jade and Kiana.

Christmas wreaths to all who made the Dec. 7 carol walk so successful, including Mother Nature who delayed the storm until the next day. Thanks to St John, RCMP, CV Record, Joanna Finch, Shannon Crowther, Betty Donaldson and all the Project Watershed volunteers who guided more than 100 carollers to Locals for a free Wassail drink. To Capt. Danny Clair whose decorated boat added a special dimension. May all the species who heard us sing and all residents of the Valley have a wonderful holiday season: keep singing! Dona Nobis Pacem.


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