HAVE YOUR SAY: Go roller blade on your own

We were very interested in Andrew Gower's education and achievements but he can go dance and roller blade on his own. We motorists pay taxes to use our roads, he can use the sidewalks.

We  were very interested in Andrew Gower’s education and achievements but he can go dance and roller blade on his own. We  motorists pay taxes  to use our roads, he can use the sidewalks!I think the only thing worse than losing a loved one in a senseless act of emotion is what the killer and his family will have to live with forever. We are surrounded by anger and aggression today. I see it in the eyes of our young people, I see it in their tattoos and I even see it in the grey-haired senior in my rear-view mirror. Sadly, we are continually  exposed to violence through television and other forms of media. As Canadians, if nothing changes, who will be next? So, please don’t blame the kids.A huge thank you goes out to the team who pulled the Comox Valley Foster Family potluck picnic together. Diane and Chrissy were invaluable for their organizational talents. Mike tirelessly manned the BBQ and turned out delicious hot dogs for all. Thanks are extended to the MCFD Resource team members who promoted and attended this event. Finally, our thanks are sent to Courtenay’s Quality Foods who generously donated the hot dogs and buns that made our picnic a fun and tasty event for everyone. It was wonderful to have a good turn out of foster families!Every day is a wonderful day in Paradise Meadows but Sunday August 21 was extra wonderful. It was the first Family Fun Day for Every-Body event sponsored by Mountain Equipment Co-op, BC Parks, Accessible Wilderness Society and both the Comox Valley and Campbell River Access Awareness Committees. Our goal was to celebrate 100 years of BC Parks and to get the message out to our communities that Strathcona Park is a jewel in our backyard and is available for everyone to enjoy. A special thank you to Andy Smith and the other park rangers and staff who have worked so hard to make the Centennial Trail boardwalk and trail accessible; it was very exciting to see so many people using wheelchairs, Trailriders, walkers, etc. out enjoying the meadows! We would like to thank the following businesses and individuals for supporting this day and helping to make it so successful: Mountain Equipment Co-op, BC Parks and the awesome Parks staff, Strathcona Wilderness Institute, Comox Valley Search and Rescue, Mount Washington, Accessible Wilderness Society, the City of Campbell River and Linda Moore, Thrifty Foods, McDonald’s Restaurant, Brian Shaw, Comox Valley Access Committee, the Campbell River Access Committee and of course the amazing volunteers. We couldn’t have done this event without all of you. We want to encourage everyone, if you have not yet been up to Paradise Meadows, you must, before the snow starts flying again!

Comox Valley Record