HAVE YOUR SAY: Memo to teachers — your glass is at least half full

Just a little reminder to the teachers – some of you seem to forget how many union-negotiated privileges you already have.

Just a little reminder to the teachers – some of you seem to forget how many union-negotiated privileges you already have that the rest of us can only dream about. Twelve months of fully paid maternity leave. Five fully paid professional-development days plus early-dismissal days. You already have union-negotiated wage increases in your contract depending on your education and seniority. But all that is not enough? You demand more? Last time you went on strike, how many low-seniority teachers were let go so you could get your wage increases? And then you complain about the extra workload. You have no problem to administer the tests for the gifted children to send them to special classes while the rest of us are left behind. Yet when you are asked to make time to get your students to complete FSA tests, you get all defensive, stressing out students and parents in the process. Remember, we the lowly taxpayers are the ones who pay for whatever you get. Maybe all of you should show some respect toward us and start living within your means. We have to.A big thank you to BC Hydro and all contractors who assisted in restoring power to the Comox Valley and beyond. The amount of damage caused by the storm was so widespread. I think you did a fabulous job of restoring power. To the men and women working in the Seal Bay/Bates Beach area, special thanks. You did a great job and kept a good sense of humour while working very hard to restore our power and clear the roads. Thank you once again.Every time we walk Lazo Marsh we have to clean the benches before we can sit down for a rest. These benches were put there for all to enjoy. The bench on the hill was donated in memory of a loved one. If some of you must have benches to use as birdfeeders, then please build some yourself and donate them to the birds. But please leave the existing benches clean for those of us who need to rest along the way.To the tree huggers and tree murderers on Wireless Road, you sure have a twisted sense of responsibility and entitlement. For more than 10 years, we have watched in horror as you systematically and incessantly topped, trimmed and totally removed much of the natural vegetation on the steep bank across from your properties. Yet when DND finally made a move on the overheight trees on your lots, you get all huffed up. It is your responsibility to keep trees on your place at proper heights and I sure hope DND sends you the bills for getting your jobs done. Your disrespect for the safety of those living below and those flying above is unacceptable.What an amazing morning Tuesday, March 6 was — sun shining, the Beaufort Mountain range at its best, full clarity — a day off school for all Vancouver Island students — a great time to be up on top of the world at Mount Washington! Not so good a day for    my 17-year-old son who is a high school student, works a part-time job and knows the value of the dollar; he’s decided to spend the day up on the mountain snowboarding.  He pays for his own season pass with money saved from his part-time job. He also saves for his new snowboard and bindings from his part-time job, His snowboard and bindings cost him about $1,000 and his season pass cost him about $800. He comes out from lunch and lo and behold — nice new snowboard missing in action! Perhaps it spent the rest of the day on one wild joyride, perhaps it is now on sale at a local pawnshop or on KiJiJi or Craigslist, maybe it is tidily tucked away in an unbeknownst garage or basement. If you have it, please return it anonymously — that’s OK — at the lost and found at Mount Washington. If you see it, it’s a splashy psychedelic GNU Park Pickle with Burton neon orange bindings — please report it stolen with the Comox Valley RCMP. Know that a hard-working, responsible teenager really deserves his board back.   Do the right thing and sleep well tonight!

Comox Valley Record