HAVE YOUR SAY: Pesticides, herbicides killing bees, beneficial insects, pets and possibly ourselves

As David Suzuki states, we're in a giant car heading towards a brick wall and everyone's arguing over where they're going to sit.

As David Suzuki states, we’re in a giant car heading towards a brick wall and everyone’s arguing over where they’re going to sit. It is a no-brainer that pesticides and herbicides are killing our bees, beneficial insects, pets and possibly ourselves. Many contain cancer-causing chemicals. The onus should be on all of the stores that sell these products. Of course they are controlled by what the customers want. Please stop buying these products. Come on, people, is a green lawn really that important? Wake up and smell the roses while we still have them. Without bees, they will be gone. Remember, bending over and weeding can actually be beneficial to your health. It is called exercise.

With regard to the BC Jobnet ads in the classifieds section under Business Opportunities. People need to know that this is a scam. I am always on the look out for opportunities to expand my vending business and when I see ads like this one I check them out. For the most part if they are from out of the province stay away, these are people who are looking to scam people out of their money for placing over priced vending equipment into “great” locations — not! They promise great returns on your investment. They take your money and do not deliver. Stay away from anyone you cannot talk to in person, or face to face and do not send them any money to hold a spot for you! Be wary of anyone from out of our country that says they can place vending equipment in the area that you live in and they have never ever set foot on the Island.

Our beautiful Comox Avenue, with the flowers and view of the harbour, is outstanding, for all visitors to the town. But, there is one glaring eyesore that remains a sad sight. The empty lot, where the Lorne Hotel once sat, now overgrown with weeds, and looking pretty sad, remains the same — month after month. Would love to see something happen there, as it is the main part of town, and very visible.

The Duffy-Wallin scandal begs the question, once again: Why do we even need a Senate? Oh sure, it makes for a convenient patronage payoff for former CBC reporters who behaved themselves and maintained an appearance of unbiased journalism, back in the day. But the price tag on the Senate is humungous. Would we be worse off without it? Would democracy crumble? Unfortunately, no government wants to dismantle this barrel of pork.

Twenty years ago, I stopped reading the daily newspapers because they spent so much time and energy glamourizing all of the ugly news items of the day. Needless to say, Paul Harvey was my favourite news broadcaster. When I moved to Courtenay about six months ago, I decided that reading the local newspapers might be the best way to get a handle on this valley. Because of the comedy section that both papers have set aside in each weekly edition, I have become an avid reader of both papers. You have done a great job of setting aside space for all of the wannabe comedians in the valley. In fact, some of them are so funny that I also get some good exercise as I try to get up from the floor after laughing so hard. By far, the best comedian, so far, was the irresponsible dog owner that took exception to the rules in Washington State. It must have taken me 10 minutes to regain my composure, after reading the article the second time. Keep up the good work.

My wife and I are new to your beautiful valley and we would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all those responsible for the beautiful flowers and bushes on the hill going into Comox. We also would like to say thank you to all the men and women of 19 Wing for their work at cutting the groom in bloom. It’s this kind of community spirit that makes a community a great place to live. We live in heaven on earth.

A big thank you to those dedicated individuals that cut the broom in the woodlot at the corner of Malahat and Crown Isle Drive.

A sweet bouquet of gratitude from the local chapter of the International Society For Peace and Human Rights our kind and generous supporters: Quality Foods (Comox and Courtenay stores),Walmart, Costco, Safeway, North Island College, the World Community Organization and the Common Ground Cafe! As well, a heartfelt thank you to the big-hearted people of our area who cared enough to come to our very first community forum on May 21 at North Island College. The staff of St. Joseph’s Hospital, physicians of the Comox Valley and community members were all well-represented.To hear from our local physician Dr. Saren Azer about the remarkable humanitarian work that he and other international physicians  have done for Syrian refugees in northern Iraq is inspiring, to say the least! All monetary contributions to this cause will be used to procure medication and medical supplies to send with Dr. Azer and his team on their trip to assist Syrian refugees. Each donation, large or small is significant, especially since Health Partners International Canada (HPIC)  who ISPHR works with, provides approximately $10 worth of medication for every dollar contributed! Any type of gift, monetary or otherwise, when given with compassion, is multiplied many-fold. As Mother Teresa once said, “We cannot do great things.  We can only do small things with great love.” Thank you, Dr. Azer, for modelling such compassion. For more information, visit www.peaceandhumanrights.org and www.hpicanada.ca.

Bouquets to all the workers who had to work in undesirable conditions. Lisa, insurance adjusters Bruce and Steve, Edgett Excavating (which modified its truck), Servicemaster, Patrick and Marilyn (office) and all their workers , Hyland Cement, John and Phil, Berard’s Plumbing, Gerry (for fixing it right) and, last but not least, to D.R. Faust, who went above and beyond to make sure everything was fine. I am so impressed with all of the workers. Thank you from there bottom of my heart.

A big thanks to everyone who volunteered their time and donated items for the autism fundraiser yard sale on May 11. Costco’s generous donation of food/drinks and Re/Max’s incredible tent were appreciated. Special thanks also to the CVCDA for their parking lot, and to Patricia, Amanda and Becky from the Autism Spectrum Support Group for organizing the event.


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