HAVE YOUR SAY: Where do all those paper coffee cups get recycled?

The very popular Home Depot recycling site is closing, as the new Tim Horton's opens with twin drive-thrus.

The very popular Home Depot recycling site is closing, as the new Tim Horton’s opens with twin drive-thrus. Wondering where all of those paper coffee cups are recycled? In fact, Home Depot and many big box stores produce tons of Styrofoam that fill our landfill with useless stuff that will last for centuries. Local governments  ignore this huge recycling issue. All glass also goes into the landfill. Three cheers for the recycling centre at the air base! Some good news for rural residents who voted 74 per cent against the CVRD administration of rural roadside recycling service. There is a message here, but it seems lost. Get it together, Comox Valley politicians. All 22 on the payroll.

Very sad to witness during the lunch hour at Thrifty’s Crown Isle three school boys ripping off quite a few cans of drinks by stuffing them into their pockets, walking out right past the customer service desk and Till One, and then loading up their backpacks, which they’d left in the foyer before heading back in the direction of Isfeld School. It was obvious from their conversation, which I could hear, that they do this all the time. Even sadder was the woman at the till who, when I pointed this crime out to her, just shrugged her shoulders, when quick action could have resulted in them being caught in the act. And a similar response from the customer service person I spoke to a few minutes later. Even sadder yet that boys old enough to know better are allowed to think this behaviour is OK.

A huge thank you to the cheerful guy singing and playing guitar outside Comox Centre Mall on a cold, foggy January evening. You made my night, and if I hadn’t had my arms full of groceries I would have danced all the way back to the car!

Jim Byrnes, his band and The Sojourners were fantastic. The organizers of WinterBites should pat themselves on the back. Will be watching future events with great interest.

The Victoria Capital Regional District will ask residents to vote on a $12.5-million loan to fund infrastructure improvements over the next five years. Here in the Comox Valley, the CVRD  have taken $14.7 million in reserves, out of residents’ wallets, without any approval from their water customers. How can this be? Do not all regional districts have the same rules for funding? It is time for a referendum on CVRD bulk water costs.

Wishing tight strings and successful drop shots to all of the sponsors who so generously supported the Comox Valley Squash League in our Winter Smash Tournament this past weekend. Our thanks go out to Pacific Coastal Airlines, Quality Foods, the Cumberland Dental Centre, Courtenay Swim Shop, Mount Washington, Storey Creek Golf Course, Comox Community Centre, the Lewis Centre, Butchers Block, Broken Spoke, Ivan Lee, Frank Young, Marine Harvest, Grahams Jewellers, Plates Catering, Sure Copy, Mudsharks and High Strung Rackets. The generosity of these businesses helps to support sport in the Comox Valley.  Lets support the businesses who support us!

Kudos to Twisted Dishes in Comox for offering a high-quality, bargain price for the best breakfast in the Valley. After opening just a few months ago they rapidly became my favourite lunch place; now they have catapulted into being my favourite breakfast place. The standard breakfast — eggs, bacon, toast, hash browns — is way above standard in quality and creativity. The special waffle is special indeed. Lindsay and Eric make make sure each customer is treated as special as the food they serve. This deli-style cafe has just begun opening for breakfast at 7 a.m. this week. Their menu has expanded and I look forward to trying some of Devin’s other creations soon.

I was a lucky winner of two tickets to the Randy (Elvis) Friskie and Vegas Show Band show. I was thrilled. You made my day. What a wonderful show. We loved it. Thank you for the tickets.

I needed to make a substantial purchase so I phoned a local store which — it turned out — carried the exact line of products I was interested in. But, my previous experience with that store had been marred by the heavy scent worn by a staff member. I explained that I become quite ill from scented products and had to leave the store last time. I wondered if they could accommodate me? Did they have a scent policy for staff? The sole response I received was, “We do not have a scent policy for staff.” Period. So, I found another supplier down Island whose employees refrain from wearing scented products and I shopped there. I was aware that, technically, I could have pushed for accommodation. Environmental sensitivities is formally recognized as a disability by the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) and, as such, service providers have a duty to make reasonable accommodations so that those with disabilities can access their products and services. Please note that union agreements do not supersede the requirements of the CHRC. Additionally, employers have this same responsibility with regard to their employees. It makes good business sense for companies to have fragrance policies. Customers like myself will do our best to avoid shopping in stores where the employees wear scented products. Furthermore, managers may be pleasantly surprised to learn that workplaces with fragrance policies have greater productivity, less absenteeism and lower costs for medical and health insurance, according to the document Fragrance in the workplace: what managers need to know, published in the Journal of Management and Marketing Research.

I drive 10 km/h over the speed limit along the Dyke Road, so as not to spur on an incident of road rage. I only smoke (yes, cigarettes), in my yard or driveway, at home, so non-smokers don’t even get a whiff of second-hand smoke. We changed our fireplace from wood to gas, so we aren’t polluting the pure air of Comox. I carry twice as many doggy-poo bags to pick up every crumb of the stuff, so somebody doesn’t step in it or even get a glimpse of the offending poo. On the same note, I have put a yellow ribbon on my miniature poodle’s leash, just in case some dog lover wants to pet him. I never use capital letters when sending an e-mail, because, God forbid, somebody might think I am yelling at them. I use toothpaste and mouthwash faithfully, so there is no fear of somebody getting a hint of garlic on my breath. Now I understand that I can no longer wear perfume, deodorant or shampoo my hair, because “everyone out there” has an allergy and might be sent to Emergency from the smell. I’m sure the next big thing will be, we can’t wash our clothes, because the odour of the laundry detergent may alert the “scent police!” And, P.S., spring is coming, so get geared up for a fresh round of, deer on the roads, bicycles and water restrictions.

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Do you have somebody to praise or something you have to get off your chest? Have your say by submitting to editor@comoxvalleyrecord.com. Please focus on people’s ideas rather than speculating about their character. You can also get a written submission to 765 McPhee Ave., Courtenay, B.C. V9N 2Z7 or fax to 250-338-5568. If you wish to talk to the editor, phone Mark Allan at 250-338-7816, 2309.


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