Health and education needs must be met as Langley grows

Why do the developers keep getting permits when there aren’t enough schools, doctors or room at the hospital?

Editor: In your Thursday, Oct. 2 issue, there is an article titled “No money for new schools, says province.”

I am concerned about the developing that is going on in Langley Township.  Why do the developers keep  getting permits when there aren’t enough schools, doctors or room at the hospital?  It just doesn’t make sense to me.

I drive to Walnut Grove twice a week on 208 Street, and am astounded at the amount of new construction that is going on.  Each week there is another large plot of land that has been bulldozed and is being prepared for construction of more and more condos.

When will it end?  We don’t have nearly enough doctors to take care of the influx of residents.

Barbara Moffett,


Langley Times