Health care all about business


I’m in the market for a new doctor.


I’m in the market for a new doctor.

I’m looking for someone with a more youthful outlook, someone who makes it reasonably comfortable for me to book an appointment, renew my prescriptions and provide me competent advice and referrals when needed. My family and their health is important to me.

This is not a letter to bash the health system or the B.C. medical practice profession in any way. I have been the recipient of and witness to outstanding medical care.

What I am talking about is customer service and the respect of the individual forced to dance to the tune of uncaring or selfish business practices. We, the great unwashed and guests, know if we are being treated with respect or not.

Customers are not always right. But it is never right to provide lousy service on purpose.

To say the least, I do not feel I was treated right when my prescription is set to expire as often as the doctor’s maximum visit schedule, nor when it could not be renewed without a visit, nor when I was made to wait two weeks to meet the new doctor who took over months ago, nor when I arrived early to an empty office and was made to wait beyond the next appointment schedule, nor when I noticed the doctor picking up a different section of the newspaper…

Hey, of course you’ve heard worse. My point is, I’ve just fired my family doctor. Planning to interview new offices next week.

Tell your staff, they may receive a call. Or not. I can tell when I’m getting acceptable service or not.


Adam D. Smith, White Rock


Peace Arch News