Health care providers come through

We were disappointed to find out that we would have to pay health premiums and would no longer have government-provided Blue Cross coverage

As we are seniors, we had some reservations about making our move from Alberta to Vernon, wondering whether we would be able to receive the health care we needed.

We were disappointed to find out that we would have to pay health premiums and would no longer have government-provided Blue Cross coverage.

However we were able to have a very caring, sensitive doctor take us on as patients.

He was able to steer me to a cardiologist, here in Vernon, to help me cope with my bouts of atrial fibrillation.

Also I was put in touch with a lung specialist in Kelowna to help monitor my COPD.

On Dec. 23 my A.Fib. and my COPD both acted up and I decided it would be wise to get immediate help.

We keep hearing about the ridiculous wait time in emergency, but I was getting medical attention within 20 minutes of arriving.

Very quickly, I was given blood tests and wheeled into xray so that they could get a handle on what my problem was.

This was quickly followed by oral and intravenous medication.

All this was done by staff who were totally committed to make sure that they did not cause me any discomfort.

A doctor came and explained that some of my medication may have been causing some of the problem side-effects.

I would need to be monitored for a few days while  I received different medication. Even though he could not make it till late in the evening, our family physician, Dr. Screen, was able to take charge.

The nurses and other staff at #229 were unbelievable with their patience, consideration, and constant good humour, even though a couple of the patients in the ward were a bit difficult.

Thankfully my stay at Vernon Jubilee Hospital was only three days but I came home with a very deep appreciation for the wonderful institution and the health care providers we have caring for us.

Frank Gurak



Vernon Morning Star