Health requires active role by patient, doctor

It's no longer a case of simply waiting for the doctor to tell you what to do

At our clinic, we often describe naturopathic medicine as ‘active medicine.’

I say this to prepare people for the challenge of healing ahead.

As a doctor, I am a guide or teacher. My role is to help people on their journey to recovery or to optimize their health.

The patient also has a vital part to play in that process.

Being wholistic, naturopathic medicine addresses many areas of a person’s health simultaneously.  Active medicine may be multi-faceted in the pursuit of improving one’s health.

In comparison, allopathic medicine (reactive medicine that is the standard MSP covered medicine) is reductionistic.

This reductionism leads one to either symptomatic treatment, which is not all bad, or recipe style prescribing. By this I mean that the diagnosis determines the treatment.

Such thinking supports the “magic bullet” mind set. If disease A exists, then drug B will resolve.

How many times does this logic not pan out? If only healing could be that easy.

In my opinion, healing requires at least the following:  information, appropriate strategies for recovery, determination, participation and lifestyle modifications.

One must understand their health imbalance or illness and know what options are available in order to build a forward thinking plan. Strategies for recovery should address the underlying causes, which may vary between people with the same diagnoses.

The patient’s determination and commitment to participate in their own recovery has a lot to do with the success of the healing strategies.

Of course, lifestyle modification is also important, not only for recovery but also for the maintenance of health. Many health issues develop over time and interact with poor lifestyle habits or choices. Active medicine means your recovery depends on you actively taking a role in your own healing.

You don’t have to wait until you are sick to benefit from naturopathic medicine. Preservation of health is a noble focus to have.

In light of health conditions requiring a well devised protocol, naturopathic medicine has a lot to offer in its own right and combines nicely with allopathic protocols. Since I have upgraded to be a prescribing physician, I am finding people very satisfied with the integration. I enjoy being able to optimize a patient’s naturopathic plan along with required pharmaceutical intervention when applicable.

Come learn about the options available.  Find out how easy and fun it can be to be proactive and become the champion of your own health.



Dr. Tara Macart

owns OPti-Balance Naturopathic Medicine in Qualicum Beach with her husband Jonathan.


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