Health system showing signs of strain

I have been having a health problem for a year and just recently my doctor ordered an “urgent” MRI. I wondered how long it would take to get an “urgent” MRI and was pleasantly surprised when I received an appointment in just eight days.

I have been having a health problem for a year and just recently my doctor ordered an “urgent” MRI.  I wondered how long it would take to get an “urgent” MRI and was pleasantly surprised when I received an appointment in just eight days.

I had my MRI at the Abbotsford hospital and was dealt with in a professional, courteous and speedy manner.  I was told by the technician that my doctor would have the results in 24 to 48 hours.

I waited a week and called my doctor’s office to set up an appointment for the results.  I was told that the results were not in yet.  I called again in a few days and set up an appointment.

I had to wait three weeks to get the appointment, but I did not mind because my doctor is worth the wait.

I kept the appointment only to find out that my results had not been received. I was annoyed to say the least; it is not my doctor’s fault.

I went home and emailed the Fraser Health Authority compliments and complaints department.  I explained my situation via email and got back an answer the same day stating that they could deal with my problem more efficiently if I called them.  I called and, you guessed it: “Please leave a message after the beep.”

I did get a call back in just a few minutes, probably because I sounded annoyed on the phone.  The person I spoke to asked me if I wanted them to track down the results. I said that would be nice, but I really wanted to know why it was taking so long. She said she would look into it for me but that she did have 30 business days to deal with the problem.

Okay, now I am laughing – good grief.

My next question is who do I sue if this turns out to be something serious?  Evidently I am not the only person whose results are missing and there are people a lot worse off than I am.

Our system is in trouble.  Stop giving the fat cats at BC Ferries and BC Hydro so much money. Put more money into our medical and education system, after all, these are people that take care of our families and teach our children.

Patricia Furness

Chilliwack Progress