HELEN LANG: From cyberspace to the garden space

I started this a couple of days ago but somehow that column vanished. I’ve heard about cyberspace but don’t know that much about it.

I started this a couple of days ago but somehow that column vanished. I’ve heard about cyberspace but don’t know that much about it.

I have a feeling that that is where the column ended up … lost forever (at least in this house because I’m still no expert on the computer).

So let’s start again, shall we?

Let’s begin inside where I’ve just finished watering the more delicate plants, leaving the larger ones for later, when I feel more ambitious.

I’m still limping around clutching my cane and holding onto walls when  available. I’m pretty well fed-up with this lame bit and long to go for a brisk walk, even if we still have that dull gray weather outside.

This morning I staggered around carrying my small watering can, giving the house-plants a treat.

Tomorrow I hope to fertilize them, something I try to remember to do once a month using a dilute mixture of either 10-15-10 or diluted fish fertilizer.

As spring advances I’ll up the strength as plants begin active growth. Not too much, of course.

You know that saying  “killing with kindness” is somethng gardeners try to avoid.

Read the instructions if all else fails.

Out on the balcony there are two, four-inch pots of polyanthus in bloom — one a dark blue and the other bright yellow.

I haven’t been to a nursery recently but think they must have polys for sale either now or will have very soon.

These are so colourful when days remain dark and cloudy.

A breath of spring? The geraniums out there have survived but they do look pretty sad and in need of some loving care, so its some fertilizer for them as well. I’d like to dig some bone meal in around them but planted a lot of bulbs in with them so will need to be careful not to uproot the bulbs in trying to help the geraniums.

I went out and had a good look at that planter and was delighted to see one leaf from bulbs I’d forgotten I’d planted last fall.

Welcome! Welcome!

Helen Lang has been the Peninsula News Review’s garden columnist for more than 30 years.



Peninsula News Review