HELEN LANG: Will a new year bring us good health and happiness?

Well, here we go again! Another year, another beginning and we wonder what this New Year will bring.

Well, here we go again! Another year, another beginning and we wonder what this New Year will bring — good health, happiness, buckets of money, a lover (dreamer!).

No one promised anything, so let’s just hope for the best possible year and do the best we can with whatever comes along.

Christmas is over for another year and I’m glad! It was an OK Christmas, but as they say, “no cigar” (who on earth said that?). I spent it in Vancouver with my son and his acquired family who are Sikhs. It was different and most interesting but, as usual, too many gifts, too many people, too much traffic, too much to eat and they don’t drink. The food was spicier than my usual diet, so over the holiday Tums and I became fast friends and it was nice to get home to my own warm bed, and oatmeal to start my day!

Boring? Dull? I suppose so, but at least it’s safe!

When I was young, my Dad liked smoked herring for Sunday breakfast and to start his day on special occasions but I don’t think I’ve tasted it since. Traditions must be honoured I suppose and  when Jim and I married we ate bacon and eggs and fried tomatoes on Sunday mornings, with toast, of course.

Now I have this for Sunday breakfast at Smitties with my precious friends, the Meikles, and cereal the rest of the week.

Quick and easy these days!

I know it’s not very interesting and has nothing to do with gardening but I’m sure no one (but me) cares that my blue African violet is flowering and my Hibiscus is shedding leaves at an alarming rate.

What an exciting life I lead! But spring is coming and gardening will become a topic of considerable interest to many of us. So please be patient with me for a little longer!

Hey! I’ve just looked outside and find both snowdrops and crocuses with their heads up, looking pretty sassy as they try not to shiver in January’s chilly weather. Welcome, welcome, my dear little friends!


Helen Lang has been the Peninsula News Review’s garden columnist for more than 30 years.

Peninsula News Review