He’ll never play with fire again

Dear editor,

I’m writing you this to convey my sincere apology for starting a forest fire.

Dear editor,

I’m writing you this to convey my sincere apology for starting a forest fire.

I regret doing what I did, if I could turn back time and stop myself from lighting the fire I would; but I can’t turn back time so I’m going to do what I can to make this as right as I possibly can. I understand that I hurt the community and could have possibly destroyed a lot of families and their homes.

I can promise that I will never repeat my mistake. I have decided that I will never play with fire, definitely not in a forest with a lot of dry dead grass around me. I hope the community will allow me to make this right as best as I can and hopefully in the end view me as a teenager that made a mistake that I made up for it as best as I could.

I’m truly sorry for what I did and what could of happened because of what I did, I am asking the community for their forgiveness. I can only pray that the community gives me their forgiveness and can see that I regret what I did and only wish to make up for it.

Name Withheld

Comox Valley Record