Help leave a legacy

Vernon has over 300 pickleball members today and this is in spite of virtually no general public access.

As reported in the July 8, edition of The Morning Star, the GVAC has now given ‘tentative’ approval for a dedicated 12-court outdoor pickleball facility to be built at Marshall Fields, contingent upon funding being in place.

The Vernon Pickleball Association (VPA) is targeting $500,000 as its private, corporate and government funding for this project.

We will look first to our own club members for donations and then will be making general appeals, through the newspaper, for support from Vernon citizens.

Ideally, we could start construction late this fall or early spring so we could have the courts built in time for the 55+ BC Games being held in Vernon in 2017.

Vernon has over 300 pickleball members today and this is in spite of virtually no general public access.

Dedicated courts will make it safer to play the sport, more accessible to the general public and in an area where unwanted noise and parking are not factors

Pickleball is for all ages and skill levels.

A national pickleball competition in Kelowna on July 8 through 10 of this year saw hundreds of people from across Canada and the U.S. playing the game over 26 courts.

Interestingly, an 11-year-old boy won a silver medal in an advanced skill level for men’s singles.

This emphasizes what bringing dedicated pickleball courts to Vernon would truly represent.

It is not only about us, it is also about leaving a legacy by providing an opportunity for the next generation to be introduced to and play the game.

Dedicated courts would make tutorials/clinics put on by VPA volunteers to schools and youth organizations much more practical.

Tired of seeing your children playing video games and texting on the phone?

Offering another option that is exercise and fun that can last a lifetime is something to think about when you see our ad soliciting funds.

Additionally, hosting tournaments and large pickleball events in Vernon will provide a welcome addition to the tourist industry.

Donations to support the building of dedicated pickleball courts at Marshall Fields will be gratefully accepted.

Please contact:

Myron Hocevar,

Don Friesen,

GVDCC Co-Chairs


Vernon Morning Star