Help sought: from Burma to Rossland

I was pleased to see the article in the March 8 paper announcing the award given to the East Kootenay Friends of Burma group.

I was pleased to see the article in the March 8 paper announcing the award given to the East Kootenay Friends of Burma group for their years of helping refugees resettle in Canada.

The West Kootenay Friends of Refugees is the newest constituent group of this fine organization.

We have submitted applications to bring two families from Burma to be resettled in Rossland.

We are actively looking for volunteers and donations. To support the two families for their first year with us, we will be raising more than $20,000 so all donations are very welcome.

We have several events planned this spring and we are really encouraging people to make small, tax deductible, auto-deposit donations into our account at the Nelson and District Credit Union in Rossland.

Please contact us if you would like to get involved helping to improve lives.

Kathy Moore, Rossland

Trail Daily Times