Help to support our 2013 BC Ambassador candidate

Kayla Holowaychuk, the NTFF&R Ambassador and NT rep. for the BC Ambassador Program

Kayla Holowaychuk, BC Ambassador Program candidate 2013

Kayla Holowaychuk, BC Ambassador Program candidate 2013

To the editor;

I am, Kayla Holowaychuk, the North Thompson Fall Fair and Rodeo Ambassador and North Thompson representative for the British Columbia Ambassador Program. I had the honour of attending the Heritage Splash pad Fundraiser with the Fall Fair Ambassador candidates last month.  I helped hand out hotdog and hamburger buns while the candidates assisted in other ways and interacted with the public.

Ambassador programs throughout the province, provide the youth of B.C. communities an opportunity to represent and volunteer throughout their region, gaining self-confidence and learning a sense of pride for their area and province.

The lessons, skills and knowledge I have gained throughout my experience in our local Ambassador Program, as well as the British Columbia Ambassador Program has enabled me to become a confident individual who is proud to be a part of the rural heritage, and new expansions through the North Thompson.

Representing the valley this year is a dream come true. At a very young age I realized that I wanted to make a difference in my community, and I knew exactly how I could achieve my dreams. I am an advocate for the North Thompson Valley promoting our beautiful countryside, breathtaking mountain scapes, businesses within the valley, and our perfect vacation destination.

Throughout my campaign I would like to be at all events possible.   If you are looking for a volunteer, or would like to donate to my campaign please contact me at

You can also follow me throughout my journey by going to ; remember to keep voting for me daily at for the People’s Choice Award and a $500 bursary for post-secondary education.

If you, a business, or a group is interested in sponsoring me for representing the North Thompson, a minimum donation of thirty dollars will automatically make you an official BC Ambassador Sponsor. By sending me your contact and mailing information, I will be able to send you a BC Ambassador Scholarship Sponsorship T-shirt.

For more information, please contact me at the above email, and or telephone at 250-682-7918.

Kayla Holowaychuk

British Columbia Ambassador Program candidate 2013



Barriere Star Journal