Helpful bus driver, police officers

A huge bouquet of roses to the lady bus driver who immediately called the police on her cellphone when a thief stole my purse right off the floor of her bus on Jan. 24.

Not only did she call the police, she returned right after her shift, drove back to the scene of the robbery, confirmed identity of the thief, gave her statement to police, and then drove me home (knowing I did not have the means to do so).

Also, a huge bouquet of roses to the woman for letting me use her cellphone to call police, assisting me in searching for the thief, and for calling her neighbours, who actually found the thief in their basement. A huge bouquet of roses to the woman who diligently searched, located and returned my purse to me.

I am so grateful to you for acting as fast as you did. Also a bouquet of roses to Constables Dass and Bakker for their efficient and fast assistance in apprehending the thief. They kept calm and acted fast when needed.

I just wanted to let the public know that your kindness and assistance will never be forgotten.

Leslie Queen, Surrey

Surrey Now Leader