Helpful citizen deserves a hug

It seems there are plenty of Nelsonites willing to lend a hand to those in need.

HUGS: Hugs to the guy who got the construction cone out from under my car in the middle of the intersection on Front Street. Thanks for caring and helping me out. I hope good karma comes your way soon.


SLUGS: To all the cinemas across the continent who play their movies at an ear-splitting volume. If you think it enhances the effects of the movie, then you guys are very mistaken. On the contrary, it takes away from the enjoyment. Not only that, but the danger of shattered ear drums is a distinct possibility with each visit to your esteemed establishment. Please turn down the volume.


HUGS: To all those responsible for keeping the washrooms at the soccer fields open for the winter. Thank you so much. — Regular path walkers and visitors too.


SLUGS: Slugs to one local organization  for not having more influence with the Nelson Air Cadets. A couple hours every Wednesday night, really,  for shame. If anything, these young people need you!


HUGS: To all who supported the 12-hour hockey marathon. Thanks to all the kids who came and skated.  Also a big thank you to the boys at TGIF hockey for digging deep to give to Kidsport. You all have made this a special day for my son.


HUGS: A great big hug to all the staff at the local recreation centre.  From the helpful lifeguards to the reception staff to the instructors to the people who keep the facility clean and functioning. Thank you for your professionalism and cheerfulness.  I value all of you and you make my time working out at this excellent facility a pleasure.


SLUGS: Slugs to the people who have no house, jobs or money and yet you have starving dogs. Where is the justice?


SLUGS: A smelly slug to those who walk their dogs on the golf course near Beasley Crescent West and don’t pick up after their animals. How about taking responsibility for your dog so all of us can enjoy the use of the grounds this winter.  Don’t spoil it for the conscientious owners.


HUGS: Huge, loving, rib-cracking hugs to Nelson’s feisty tribe of roller derby queens for welcoming us Fresh Meat to the team with such positive encouragement and support. You are some of the most inspiring and dedicated women that I’ve met, and I look forward to bonding with all of you through the many bouts, bruises, bloody noses ahead.


HUGS: A great big hug to Nelson snow removal crews! I have travelled all over this province the last few winters and this crew by far the best in the province despite very challenging terrain. Thank you.

If you have a Hug or a Slug… we’d like to hear it. Simply email us at with your short quips, compliments or complaints. Keep it tasteful and anonymous — no names of individuals or businesses, please. You can also drop by a written submission to our offices at 514 Hall Street.

Nelson Star