Her memories of downtown not as rosy

Dear editor,

In response to M.D. McArthur, I recall the downtown to which he refers.

Dear editor,

In response to M.D. McArthur, I recall the downtown to which he refers.

When I moved here in 1983 the downtown merchants had an agreement to close on Friday evening and many were only open a half day on Saturday. The inventory was low, the selection was very poor, and the prices were often between 100 and 300 per cent higher than in other communities with more choice in retail outlets.

The paper was filled with letters to the editor pleading with people to shop locally instead of driving to Nanaimo.

As slow but steady growth began to happen, shoppers were given some choices with more affordable prices and the downtown core converted to specialty shops that give our main street flair and distinction.  Some have been there for at least ten years and more (Hot Chocolates, Rattan Plus, for example).

I shop at all the stores — big, little and in between, and I love the selection that we now have and the entrepreneurship that is persistent in our community.

Yes, the downtown core has challenges. Growth comes with built-in challenges.

I am confident that enough people care about the community and with the current leadership in Courtenay city hall, we will keep the downtown core alive.

Deborah Joyce,


Comox Valley Record