Here’s to the future

Graduation from high school is one of those rare moments in life where many people come together to look at the past.

Graduation from high school is one of those rare moments in life where many people come together to look at the past while preparing as a group for a new and unknown future.

During the graduation ceremony at Golden Secondary School, and again on the group’s prom night, I heard people repeat the idea that the easiest time of the students’ lives was about to end.

It is true to a point. Becoming an “adult” is a time of change for many teenagers.

According to what was said on graduation night, many of the graduating former students have plans to go on to post secondary institutes to further their education. Others will travel the world to see what is out there beyond Golden.

Surviving high school is a great accomplishment. As great as it might be for students to go on to study and get more education, it is not the only path to choose these days.

Life has no easy road to navigate. Though no one can see into the future, one things is for certain. These students are about to take on one great big adventure.

They are about to head out on their own and see what they have to offer the world that is theirs for the taking.

At every graduation ceremony I have ever been to there is always the talk of what tomorrow may hold. So many things can and do change in specific moments. This alters where life is going to take you.

While thinking about graduation I decided to check out some quotes online about people graduating.


This one stood out to me…“We don’t stop going to school when we graduate,” said by Carol Burnett.


Life itself will teach you many things. While you are in school and long after you leave the doors of academic achievement behind, learning never ends.

I have said on more than one occasion that I learned as much about the world by seeing different parts of it as when I did in a classroom.

Though a few of the journeys were not always planned out to perfection, I always had something great to take from the experience.

In the song Closing Time by Semisonic, and I do realize the song has nothing to do with graduation, there is a line that says… Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.

School itself could be defined in this quote.

You start school knowing that you will spend a certain amount of time working your way through many different classes. You will make friends and spend 10 months a year with many of these people until the day comes where you walk across a stage and are told to go conquer the world on your own.

The new beginning is about to start and all I can say is congratulations and enjoy the ride you are about to begin. It should be an interesting trip.


Golden Star