Heritage not preserved

I would like to address the new naming of our two high school campuses which have been operating in Williams Lake for many years.


I would like to address the new naming of our two high school campuses which have been operating in Williams Lake for many years.

A lot of love and consideration were put in the original naming of these schools.

Columneetza was chosen to honour our native residents in the area.

So I believe that removing both of the original names shows disrespect for the many pupils and teachers that attended.

In some families this included three generations of the same family trees.

There is nothing to honour the heritage of the people that paved the way so others could receive a further education in the schools their parents and grandparents attended.

By removing both names, it is like neither of these campuses existed.

I think both school names should have been considered in the renaming.

My three children attended both Williams Lake Secondary and Columneetza Secondary School.

I would like to see how others feel about the decision that was made.

Eva Gilchrist

150 Mile House

Williams Lake Tribune