Heritage Park not closing

Childcare centre at 11 Avenue and Stave Lake Street still accepting students

Editor, The Record:

Re: Former Ferndale school building to be repurposed, Aug. 15 edition.

I am the director at Heritage Park Childcare Centre in Mission. I would first like to state that I am sorry that You Care We Care is going through this situation at this time. I can only imagine how trying it must be for all the staff and families involved.

The reason I am writing to you is because through this situation in the community, some rumours have surfaced that include my centre. I would just like to clear up the biggest rumour which is that You Care We Care will be moving into our building when we close.

For the record, I would like to state that we are not closing. We are open for business and we do have some vacancies in our infant/toddler, three to five, and preschool programs. We are the only non-profit childcare centre in the community that offers full-time care, and we too are in a school district building.

The difference is that this building was built to support a non-profit organization. We have a mission statement that encompasses all walks of life from Mission. We work closely with community supports, we offer a flexible fee system and we have amazing long term staff.

Lorraine Trulsen

Director, Heritage Park Childcare Centre

Mission City Record