Heroes & Zeros

The Campbell River Community Band performed a wonderful evening of songs from around the world

HERO – The Campbell River Community Band performed a wonderful evening of songs from around the world. Thank-you members and conductor Mr. kowalchuk for your dedication to music. – Joan Kirk


HERO – I am a 72-year-old woman who had a complete stranger step up to the till at Wal Mart today, and pay my complete bill. I was so astounded to have it happen, I was speechless. I have heard of things like this happening to other folks, but this was a first for me. I hope in all the excitement, I thanked this lady for her generosity. I was almost in tears, as well as June the Wal Mart checker who was manning the till at the time. I wish to thank this lady from the bottom of my heart. She sure made one old lady extremely happy! Thank you. – Barb Miller


HERO – Thanks to our hero Mike at Grains Bakery in Courtenay. His generous donation of hot dog buns helped the students at Phoenix Middle School exceed their fundraising goal and contribute $1000 dollars to the Fort McMurray Red Cross campaign – this helped the School District raise $8,539.32 in total! Thank-you to all students, teachers and parents who bought hot dogs and brought in baking for this effort. – Barbara Preston


HEROES – So,  another deer encounter with the dogs. Two big bucks in a hedge started it,  and the dogs saw them right away. Arthur’s leash breaks (cheap sprawl-mart harness), flicking the clasp back on the retractable leash, striking me in the knee, leaving me rolling around in the dirt, during which I let go of Foster. SahCho, Ken and Dianne’s dog, also takes off, but comes back in a few seconds with a big smile on her face. Dianne and I didn’t have our phones, so we head back to the house to get the truck… except we get lost. Strangely, both Arthur (first) then Foster both find us on a road we’ve never been on before. Karma,  I guess. Also,  hats off to the Good People of Campbell River, five of whom took time from their lives (one guy from his house, one cyclist, and 3 drivers)  to help find my dogs. Unbelievable, Great, and Wonderful. Thank you. – Walter John Chaulk


HERO – I would like to acknowledge the quick thinking and kindness of Darren Abbott, who stopped one afternoon to help a total stranger who was in medical distress. He put his first aid skills to use and waited with the man until the ambulance arrived. Thanks to the ladies who called 911 and a special thank you to Southgate student Damien Renz, who quickly alerted me to the situation. – Stacey Noren


HEROES – I want to express my heartfelt thanks to Scott and Holly of Sandstorm Sharpening, who did any excellent job of sharpening various gardening tools and especially because Scott went out of his way to get me a replacement for a broken saw.  Such helpful and friendly service is a rarity these days. – Terry Klein


HEROES – On behalf of the skydivers that jumped downtown Campbell River on July 1st, a big thank you to The City of Campbell River, Canada Day committee members, RCMP, Canadian Coast Guard, Campbell River Search and Rescue, Quality Foods and especially all the people there that watched, yelled, clapped, hollered and cheered as the skydivers came down. They heard you all the way from 5000 feet right down to the ground. – Roy Wharton, Para Pacific Skydiving Club


HEROES – The 20th Transformations On The Shore has come and gone and I would like to put a thank you out to everyone who helped and came by and brought their positivity and great energy. A few folks went above and beyond and made my fourth time carving (that’s generous – hacking is more like it) and fifth year involved awesome. Firstly to the lady carvers – wow, what a fantastic group, so much talent, support and inspiration. The source to get better and try harder. Thank you Randy, Shea, Junior, Cody, Rob & Deb, Warren, and Sambo for all your help, patience, advise and ideas. To Howard, Glen and Jerry, your advice and teachings are invaluable, thank you so much. To my FAVORITE volunteer Anna, my cup runneth over. To Ros and Linda for bringing special treats, they say the little things mean a lot, you have no idea. To Bill and John, thank you for keeping me in the game, can’t imagine putting up a tent or taking one down without you, lol. To Georgia bulldog, and Sophie the english spaniel, and all the folks who brought their pups down and brightened my day, thank you. Ruth, John, Jill, Jim thank you for coming and seeing what it is all about. Locky for putting up with me, and bringing my boy for a visit. To council who do the paperwork and grown up stuff, the hours calling and begging for…well everything. Don, Sandra, Marcia, Tammy, Mandy, John and Bill, thank you for letting me play with you. Thanks to all the paramedics, volunteers (especially Karen with her own rake and wheelbarrow), folks, happy kidlets who came, gave a smile or brought a laugh, or said a quote, or helped however way big or small, thank you. Finally, to Coach Max who started it all, thanks again for getting me on the right side of the fence. If i have missed anyone, it was not intentional. Thanks again for letting me play along. – Dianna Mark




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