Higher stakes in next year’s election

The question next May will be “Do I really want an NDP government back in charge of B.C.’s economy?”

Editor: A year from now, in May 2013, the voters of B.C. will be faced with a very different question from the question faced by voters in the recent byelections.

The question in play in the byelections was basically: “I agree with a lot of what the BC Liberal government has done over the years, but I’m angry about one or two things they’ve done, so I’m not going to vote for them this time.”

Since byelection results don’t usually result in a change in government (and didn’t in this case), the risk in not voting for the BC Liberals was very low.

However, a year from now, in May 2013, the stakes will be much higher and voters will be faced with a very different question. It will be “Do I really want an NDP government back in charge of B.C.’s economy?”

That’s when the rubber is going to have to meet the road and voters are going to have to get serious about B.C.’s future. I, for one, do not want an NDP government in charge of B.C.’s economy. Anyone who feels the same way needs to start working now to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Christopher Law,


Langley Times