Highway 3 realignment will make Creston’s Cook Street too busy

Letter writer Audrey Vance doesn't want highway realigned to Cook Street; hoping for highway to bypass Creston entirely...

To the Editor:

As a longtime resident of Creston, I would like our mayor and councilors to seriously reconsider the highway realignment to Cook Street.

Extra Foods is probably the busiest store in the downtown area, and moving the large trucks from Canyon Street to Cook Street would only cause additional problems. The town parking lot and a daycare also need access from Cook Street. Unfortunately, this new route would not be the solution to the many empty stores on Canyon Street, as the tourists will follow the traffic down the new Cook Street road.

Many years ago, the department of highways purchased land for Highway 3 to bypass Creston. I believe it still owns it. Perhaps this alternative route could be looked at and the trucks would therefore bypass Alice Siding, as well.

Another solution would be the upgraded Erickson Road that some trucks already use.

Audrey Vance



Creston Valley Advance