Hodge: Musicians play an upbeat tune for one of their own

I hope you were part of the packed house of music supporters who took part in Thursday night’s fundraiser for Floyd Vedan.

By the time today’s Capital News hits your lap or doorstep, the lights will have been long turned off, the crowd gone home, and the many volunteers a little rested though probably still trying to recover lost sleep.

Floydfest will be a musical memory that many will recall for years to come.

I hope you were part of the packed house of music supporters who took part in Thursday  night’s fundraiser at the Kelowna Community Theatre.

Like many other volunteers, I expect to have likely watched most of the concert from backstage, where the sound sucks but the camaraderie is in full display.

That is what happens when you are blessed enough to be a small part of the marvellous circle of musical friends in this fabulous Okanagan Valley.

Like other fraternities, musicians tend to generally spend much of their lives struggling to make a living, chasing personal dreams, and focusing on their own careers and lives.

However, when a true crisis strikes, or the call is put out to assist another—there is no brother and sisterhood I am aware of that bands (there’s a pun) together quicker or closer than the local music scene.

I am confident as I write this (hours before the concert begins) that Floydfest will have proven that once again.

As most of you know, Floyd Vedan was seriously injured several weeks back when a fellow, obviously out of control and not thinking straight, decided to swing a chair around at a party—and apparently accidentally caught Floyd square in the face.

Floyd was engaged in conversation at the time, never saw the chair coming, and went down like a sack of potatoes.

For many folks, including Floyd, everything went grey for a while.

Without hesitation some amazing folks such as Jimmy LeGuilloux, Brad Krauza and a couple of other musical types, immediately decided to host a fundraising concert to assist Floyd in his long road to recovery.

The result of their efforts happened last night.

Thank you, to all of you, for being there for Floyd.


Teresa and I were blessed to have a brief and somewhat surprising visit from Floyd last Sunday.

Tez and I held our annual September long weekend barbecue in our backyard, an intimate event with 130 or so of our dear friends.

As usual, a large number of those attending were musical friends and as an appropriate gesture, I invited Floyd again.

Neither Tez nor I thought Floyd and Shirley would make it, but simply wanted them to know they were remembered and cared about.

Halfway through the day, though, the gentle giant appeared at the front gate along with his dearest friend and supporter, and we were thrilled to see them.

While Floyd has a long road to full recovery ahead of him, it was wonderful to see him looking as well as he does, with a smile on his face, and able to get around a bit on his own steam.

I am sure the large gathering of folks was somewhat overwhelming for both of them, however, we were all humbled by his effort to pop by and say hello.

What an honour.

If last night’s concert is anywhere as magical as the music and friendship shown in my backyard on Sunday, then Floydfest will truly be a night for the memory bank.


Speaking of magical music, here is a quick note to jot down in your date book.

The 8th annual Night of the Arts concert is set for the Kelowna Community Theatre on Saturday, Nov. 17, and the line-up already indicates a fabulous evening of music.

Mark it down now, because you will not want to miss this one.

Funds raised from the concert and silent auction will go towards the Metro Communities organization’s work with the homeless and those dealing with addictions.


A hearty congratulations to Micheal and Michelle Neill on the opening of their second Mosaic Books store, this one in lovely uptown Rutland.

The monthly Uptown Rutland Business Association mix and mingle was held there on Wednesday.

The new bookstore, located on Highway 33 and Hollywood Road, is wonderful. Make sure you pop in and check out all the great books and wonderful staff.

The bookstore will hold its official grand opening this weekend with my friend and top-notch Canadian writer Jack Whyte on hand from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday to sign his latest books.

Kelowna Capital News