Hold door open

Immigration officials need to help people like Jose Figueroa.

Editor: The other day I read a news item that absolutely astounded, astonished, and appalled me. A foreign-born member of the Hell’s Angels has been given a hearty Welcome Aboard, an “Open Sesame” to Canada by the immigration services.

Yes sir, belong to a well-known criminal organization and those government types just can’t open that Canadian door fast enough. And we are still having to fight for the right of a man of ethics and principles, a man who placed his life at risk for others, to stay in Canada.

Jose Figueroa, you are most assuredly Canadian material. However, I expect that the highly-paid members of the Harper government will continue to wallow in their taxpayer feathered nests, and do nothing. Or hold the door open for more Hell’s Angels?

Margo Donovan,


Langley Times