Hold on to Your Kids!

Book contains valuable chapter on the digital age, says Terrace, BC letter writer

Dear Sir:

This is in regards  to the information session for parents and community members on bullying, cyber-bullying, and the use of social media that was held at the R.E.M. Lee Theatre Nov. 12.  As a community member I attended and not only did I know some of the info, I also learned a lot.

I would like to inform parents and other adults concerned with the care of children, about a must read book written by Gabor Mate & Gordon Neufeld called: Hold on to Your Kids — Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers.

This year, 2013, an update edition of a new chapter was added called:  A Postscript For The Digital Age—How to Hold on to Kids, in the Era of Internet, Cell Phones, and Video Games.  An excellent book.

According to the book the question of Who is to raise our kids? Answer– parents and other adults concerned with the care of children must be their mentors, their guides, their nurtures, and their models.

Yvonne Nielsen, Terrace. B.C.


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