Holding the line

wWy are we even considering spending more money that we have to borrow for items that we do not need?

With all of the talk about increases in taxes and water rates, why are we even considering spending more money that we have to borrow for items that we do not need?

We do not, at this time, need another sports complex, new art gallery or even spending money on moving municipal departments near city hall, especially when the thing we need most is a new police station.

We cannot keep borrowing money and leaving it for our children to pay off at the rate we are going. We will soon start forcing our young people out of the area for work because they cannot afford to live here.

Seniors will have to move because of high prices and businesses will look else where also.

I am a senior and at present, we can survive on our investments and pension cheques but if we keep increasing taxes, spending and utilities, we will have to sell and move out of the area we have come to love.

If you are bothered by this as I am as an electorate, then please start e-mailing your mayor and council members by going to www.vernon.ca and then mayor and council and e-mail, then with your opinions on all items that will impact any change in taxes or utilities.

We must do the same for members of the RDNO.

The regional district, council, and mayor are elected by us to work for us, and then let’s make them do that by voicing ourselves on how we the electorate want you, our elected members, to run our city and spend our money.

Garry Haas



Vernon Morning Star