Holes in bike lanes ignored

Despite two requests, Langley Township has not fixed major holes in bike lanes in Willoughby and Walnut Grove.

Editor: Can someone enlighten me on the workings of Langley Township? I bike more than 30 km almost daily — for exercise, relief of boredom and the odd chuckle it seems.

I’ve gone into the Township offices and reported to engineering two dangerous holes in the bike lanes. There are many more, but these two are notable I think. One is on the southbound bike lane on 208 Street, north of 74B Avenue. The other between is between 201 and 204 Streets, under the hydro lines, on the pedestrian walkway in Walnut grove near 94 Avenue.

Either one will leave a destroyed bike and a broken-up rider, but the one on 208 is likely to leave a dead rider as he or she will be run over by following vehicles. After a couple of weeks with no repairs done, I went in to report them again on Sept. 11, with photos this time.

Now if the employees were very busy, I could see the delay, but in my travels I see three or four Township trucks daily driving somewhere, on a mission I presume. I rarely if ever see one stopped with someone working. They just drive.

The only one working was painting a railing at the pump station west of Walnut Grove on the Fort-to-Fort trail. The few men I’ve seen working appear to be contractors, judging by the names on the parked truck.

I’ve seen two vehicles parked at Yorkson Park, 206 Street and 94 Avenue at 11 a.m. The men were relaxing behind the maintenance building, almost out of sight.

Why are so many driving and not working? Have they run out of shovels to lean on?

Jim Weatherdon,



Langley Times