Homeless already in downtown Courtenay

Dear editor,

I should like to add my voice to that of Ms. Anne Davis in support of the shelter-challenged in our community. [Attract homeless to downtown Courtenay? They're already (t)here March 23, 2011].

Dear editor,

I should like to add my voice to that of Ms. Anne Davis in support of the shelter-challenged in our community. [Attract homeless to downtown Courtenay? They’re already (t)here March 23, 2011].

I am hesitant to call them ‘homeless.’ Their home is here — the Comox Valley.

Despite their lack of shelter, they are a community among themselves within our larger community. They help and care for each other and moreover they appear to me to be at least as, probably more, honest and law-abiding than the rest of us.

The intransigence of senior and local governments in dealing with the failure of the market to provide adequate shelter for all is a disgrace.

Dave Ferguson,

Comox Valley

Comox Valley Record