Homeless claims are bogus

Homeless claims are bogus

Give them food, clothing stamps etc., but no money and see how fast the situation clears up.

Homeless claims are bogus

As a resident of one of Lewis Apartments, I am so appalled at the so-called homeless issues on Lewis. I’ve been outside as the clean-ups have been done and find it ridiculous.

I dont buy the homeless, except maybe 20 per cent of actual cases are legit. I’ve heard them fighting over drugs etc. and kicked them off the property sitting by our fence and shooting up and doing bathroom issues in front of others. Makes me wonder of their upbringing. Also, kids having kids is another issue. Welfare and government cheques are too easy for this and why these street people probably do it. They don’t even try to work, which really irks me. So I think putting more money into this is wrong. Warmland should be moved to the outskirts of town on a bare land and make these people walk to town. Also, cut off their support money of $500 or whatever it is. Give them food, clothing stamps etc., but no money and see how fast the situation clears up.

Malaspina College by Black Bridge would be a better setup than here. They already drink and hang there to drink and do drugs anyway. Or by the Walmart, anywhere that they have to walk. We tenants who pay rent deserve better than what these so-called homeless put us through. I say, send them to Syria or other war-torn country so they can learn what hardship really is. I wonder what it’s going to take to get them away from residents — a murder of any elderly person for a smoke? I worry for these elderlies cause I’ve been accosted for a smoke and got out of a situation of two guys when they realized I could handle myself. My God, let’s wake up and cut them off money and freebies, instead of safe shoot-up places (ridiculous) and easiness for the homeless. Eighty per cent of them choose to be cause of that.

Make Warmland building into a bar. It would be work for others and rental of suites upstairs and the entrance area would be nice for that. Kitchen area be remodeled. Outside on the Beverly side would be nice for patrons — games, etc. Also a revenue for Duncan. Why not that? It would be a whole lot better for us tenants who could enjoy what we pay for.

Brenda Labonte


Cowichan Valley Citizen