Homelessness is a different issue

It's an entirely different problem than refugee issue

There’s a growing number of people commenting how we should take care of our own country’s needs first before we help other countries or people from other countries.

What they often mention is this money should be spent on our veterans and homeless people. To the first I can only say this: if in the 1940s we had that same attitude, we would not have veterans. That attitude should in fact be completely contrary of why we honour them today.

Regarding the homeless, this is an entirely different problem that can not be compared with helping refugees due to war or famine. For people who can’t understand this hypocrisy, perhaps a reminder of how able Canada was to house First Nation or Japanese people in our fine history. But perhaps the issue of the homeless was of less importance and close to our big hearts at that time.

Erik Duivenvoorde

Qualicum Beach

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