Hometown is your best ‘Source’

Linda Koopmans, Aldergrove, compliments Source electronics store


Electronic gadgets are so fun aren’t they? I just love to bring home my new gizmo, plant myself on the couch, and try out all the cool features. And it’s not just a one time adrenaline rush, I appreciate my technology for months, sometimes years, if they last that long.

I was getting rather irritated by the drive I had to keep making into Langley’s big box stores. You know, for those little odds and ends and add ons that our gadgets require. Why couldn’t they just build us a good electronic store in Aldergrove? Years ago the Aldergrove mall had a Source store but it was a dreary mall to enter. One day after shopping at Safeway, I looked over and seen the Source didn’t actually disappear with the sorry state of our mall. They had moved to a bright new place for me to buy my gadgets.

I began to frequent the Source, and made sure they knew me, and my electronic desires by name. I got to know Craig, Chris and Lee, and started to check in with them before making my frequent run into Langley or Abbotsford. They now provide me with any and all of my electronic desires.

They have allowed me to pick their brains, and ask questions, until my resourceful heart is content. When you have all these wonderful electronics, there is a necessity to become a troubleshooter. If something is going to go wrong it will go wrong for me. I am Queen of troubleshooting! I have been a challenge to Craig and the guys, but they never waver, they partner with me until we win!

They have ordered me gadgets in, driven to Tsawwassen to pick stuff up, brought products to my door, exchanged products at my door and even taken the time to troubleshoot with me over the phone on their day off! The big box stores don’t care if my Wifi isn’t working, or if my printer won’t print black. They don’t want or need to know my name.

To Craig, Chris and Lee, thank you for the great service! And to the citizens of Aldergrove, go in and check out the Source, ask questions, and get to know these great guys. You’ll save gas money and I know you will be pleasantly surprised by what they can do for your inner geek.

Linda Koopmans, Aldergrove

Aldergrove Star