Honest people in Langley thanked

Couple who returned wallet and ID to Mission mother showed that there are many good people in our society.

Editor: On Sunday, I was driving from Mission to Delta when I made an impromptu stop at a gas station just off Highway 1 and 264 Street. In my rush of trying to buckle up my young son, I forgot my wallet on the roof of my car. It holds not only my ID and credit cards, but my iPhone too.

I didn’t realize it was missing for well over an hour.  Understandably, I was struck with panic. Where is the wallet? Who might be using what? With all that we hear about crime, identity theft and such, I was very worried by the time I made it back home.

Lucky for me, an honest caring couple found and returned it to me Monday night. I was so grateful and thankful that there are still honest people in our world. Everyone I told this to were surprised and inspired that good, honest people care about others and took time out of their day to go above and beyond.  I thank them for their good deed, and it was so nice for my young son to see strangers doing the right thing.

Shannon Jones,


Langley Times