Honours for entrepreneurship

The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) has released its ranking of Canada’s most entrepreneurial cities

The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) has released its ranking of Canada’s most entrepreneurial cities and I am pleased to report that Salmon Arm ranked ninth in all of Canada in the 25,000 – 149,999 population size.

CFIB states in their article: “Any time we peer into the inner workings of a local economy, at its core we see the strong beating heart of entrepreneurship. No economy can exist – let alone grow – without the actions of individuals who invest, employ and produce goods and services.”

It takes a special type of person to be an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur is a risk-taker who has the determination to stick with it through uncertainty, has perseverance and truly believes in what he or she is doing. An entrepreneur must have a vision and be fearless. I believe my grandfather would have said entrepreneurs must have “intestinal fortitude, just plain guts.”

The Business Development Corporation’s website states that SME (Small, Medium Enterprises) represent 99.8 per cent of all companies and employ 64 per cent of private sector workers. It further states they are the engine of the economy. In addition, there have been many articles published on how small business contributes to the Canadian economy and that they have moved Canada out of the recession of 2008.

A big thank you goes out to all of our entrepreneurs and small businesses for your vision, determination, hard work and for investing in, employing and supporting our local economy. CFIB calls you the “heartbeat of the economy” and I agree.

Way to go Salmon Arm, ninth in all of Canada for entrepreneurship in communities 25,000 plus. Also to our Economic Development Society, Community Futures, Work BC, Chamber of Commerce and other local organizations for always being ready and able to assist businesses.


Salmon Arm Observer