Hope business and property owners need to step up to the plate

Unkempt properties throughout the town centre are disrespectful to our community as a whole - a community which is suffering enough.

There I was again standing at the corner of Sixth Avenue and Old Hope-Princeton Way. Every spring, I look over to see the unkempt boulevard alongside the Chevron site. It has become a yearly struggle to get this large grassy area maintained. Luckily, within minutes the mower was out and the boulevard finally got some much needed care. But along with this boulevard, many other properties in our community need to be better maintained.

If business owners and managers do not see the benefit to taking care their own properties and boulevards, no good will come of all the work that the Hope and District Chamber of Commerce, Communities in Bloom or any other society does.

Unkempt properties throughout the town centre are disrespectful to our community as a whole – a community which is suffering enough. Yet little is ever done and in the past I have been banished from the municipal hall because of my constant complaints.

It doesn’t take much to clean up but at this point it is pathetic. I beg you to do something.

Gordon Younie,

Owner of the Hope

Drive-in Restaurant Ltd.

Hope Standard