Hope Hustle a terrific event

I'd like to give a huge congratulations to Terry Bremner, who at age 52 returned the best time and became our new King of Hope Mountain.

This was the first year for me to participate in the Hope Hustle’s dash up the Hope Mountain Lookout Trail. What a terrific event it is and what a really swell bunch of people that came out to participate. I just wanted to add my voice and express my gratitude to the generous folks who have developed and maintained this incredible trail over the years.

I’d like to give a huge congratulations to Terry Bremner, who at age 52 returned the best time and became our new King of Hope Mountain. And thank you to Terry for donating a huge box of the plumpest most delicious blueberries I have ever enjoyed. Could blueberries be the secret of his terrific fitness and performance?

Something my personal experience and this competition confirms I believe, is that overall fitness and well-being is less of an age related phenomenon, and more of a lifestyle, diet, stress-management phenomenon. As one of the active “oldsters,” I would like to extend an invitation and encouragement to able-bodied Hopians of all ages, and especially the older folks to get out there and experience our wonderful trails and nature walks. The Hope Mountain Lookout Trail is one of the best you will experience anywhere. You will feel and look better – guaranteed! And meet some swell folks along the way.

Colin Vankeith

Hope Standard