Hopeful, peaceful spirit can somehow win the day

A new spirit has begun to appear in the world, and if you look you can see it breaking out everywhere.

To the Editor,

Re: There’s more to democracy than just politics, Opinion, Oct. 27.

Right on, Dr. Suzuki. Things are definitely looking up, believe it or not, and such a united way of being is part of what it will take to get us where we want to be, not just a peaceful, united and prosperous Canada, but such a world as well.

The truth is, there are many signs that give us hope that we will, in fact, get there. A new spirit has begun to appear in the world, and if you look you can see it breaking out everywhere.

This new spirit of the age seems to have three main overall thrusts: world-mindedness, as it increasingly sweeps away national, religious, gender and racial barriers; justice and equity, especially for the oppressed, poor and downtrodden peoples of the world; and a greater, more spiritual sense of our responsibility to be stewards of the planet’s future.

Some see this rapid change across the planet as a ‘new-age’ phenomenon, but others see it as simply the result of evolutionary advances in technology, human consciousness, education and a shrinking world. Many philosophers, writers, journalists, activists, observers, pundits and scientists have opined on these changes in human consciousness during the past century, and most would agree that a profound intellectual and spiritual shift is now occurring.

So take hope, people. World peace is not just possible, it’s going to happen. When, you ask? That’s the kicker. It’s up to us. The harder we work together in whichever of the above-named areas we choose, the sooner it will come about.

So put on your boots, grab your neighbour’s hand and let’s get started.

Lewis BeckNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin