Horner should move to Cuba

Neil Horner's column wasn't about Canada, but rather, Cuba

After reading Neil Horner’s latest piece (Let’s get back to the Canada we know and love), I have two questions for Mr. Horner: when did you become such a mouthpiece for the left, and what colour is the sky in your world?

The Harper government may not be perfect, but its reluctance to embrace the pseudo-science of climate change alarmists and their lemmings should be applauded, not derided.

I have had the pleasure of traveling through Central and South America, Europe and Ireland these last five years, and I assure you our international reputation as both a friendly, peacekeeping force (joining UN-sanctioned military adventures) and as prudent economic managers is well-intact.

Our unwavering support for Israel is most definitely warranted as we ally with a Western-style democracy whose non-democratic enemies will stop at nothing to ensure its total and complete annihilation. If this should cost Canada a seat on the UN Security Council or any international council, we should take it as an endorsement of principal.

Mr. Harper is no more a control freak than any previous prime minister and he is no more in bed with corporate elites than any previous government. Governments quickly learn one principle when responsible for the nation’s purse: corporations produce the wealth that drives employment and revenue for social programs. Give them incentives to produce both, otherwise taxes have to go way up to account for the shortfalls.

The country Mr. Horner dreams of isn’t Canada, it’s Cuba. And I invite him to take his laptop and anti-government publications to his island oasis, and see just how long the love affair lasts.

John Chambers


Parksville Qualicum Beach News