Hospital surgical team professional and kind

"...those who deliver this care do so with professionalism, confidence, expertise and a smile."

Given the determination of my New Denver GP, Dr Magier, to find out why I was only firing on seven of my eight diesel engine cylinders (March ‘15), I was diagnosed with having colon cancer on June 9th.

Two weeks later a team of surgeons in Trail hospital performed a flawless three hour operation to remove  a tumour of “significant size in an awkward place.”

Three days later, following round the clock care from teams of doctors, nurses and support staff, I returned to our home in Hills.

The external support network from local to international friends and family was simply astonishing. My biggest rock was my personal team – my wife, Natasha Miles.

The public sector is an absolute crucial element to the success of our modern day society. Knock and criticize it at your peril.

The Interior Health Authority, and BC Health Care, is in no way perfect, dogged by politics, demands, expectations and budgets.

But what I do know is that those who deliver this care do so with professionalism, confidence, expertise and a smile. The teams we all belong to, that of community, neighbours, friends and family – they work too.

Tim SanderHills

Trail Daily Times