Hotel dream over-hyped

The 70,000 Chinese tourists that it will draw is just the usual paint-by-numbers game, made up to generate the big wow factor.

To the Editor,

Re: Hotel project puts city on international radar, Aug. 12.

Yeah right. If the Nanaimo Economic Development Corporation and the political boys even believe for a moment that their radar is actually working, well, they’re all dead wrong because it’s more than likely only picking up false images of their own egos by this hyped-up wonder project which still raises a lot more questions.

The 70,000 Chinese tourists that it will draw is just the usual paint-by-numbers game, made up to generate the big wow factor. Even a Las Vegas bookie would not take bets on these obvious over-bloated odds.

Unless we pick up what is being put down, we will continue to be the complacent sheep being led around by the political wolves in shepherds’ clothing.

Al MunroNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin