Hotels for homeless purchased at inflated prices

Why did Horgan spend taxpayer dollars foolishly?



Hotels for homeless purchased at inflated prices

With the ongoing homeless population, John Horgan has purchased various hotel properties to house our homeless population. Horgan has purchased the Comfort Inn in Victoria for $18 million dollars. The property tax assessment is $14,175,000.

Also purchased was Paul’s Motor Inn in Victoria, for $15 million dollars. The property tax assessment is $8,757,000.

Also purchased was the Howard Johnson’s hotel in Vancouver for $55 million dollars. The property tax assessment is $31,110,000.

Also purchased was the Buchan hotel in Vancouver, for $19.4 million dollars. The property tax assessment was $2,586,000.

Also purchased was the American hotel in Vancouver, for $17.9 million dollars. The property tax assessment was $7,072,000.

Why did Horgan spend taxpayer dollars foolishly by purchasing these hotel properties at outrageous prices in relation

to property tax assessments?

Horgan has given the operational functions of these hotels to B.C. Housing.

B.C. Housing has made a ruling, that only one person is allowed per room. How absurd. Most or all of the hotel rooms have two beds. The ruling should be changed.

NHL hockey players, when travelling have two persons to a hotel room.

B.C. is now having a provincial election. Taxpayers must ask their candidates why so much of taxpayer dollars was foolishly spent. If you do not, do not voice any complaints if you end up paying more taxes.


Joe Sawchuk


Cowichan Valley Citizen