Housing for disabled before homeless

One resident would like to see disabled Canadians taken care of first

Re: View Royal facility opens its doors to region’s homeless (Gazette, Feb. 26)

I am curious how many of the Gazette readers wouldn’t agree that we should take care of our own before taking care of others whom need aid.

What I am referring to is that I know of several people, like myself, who are disabled and on a B.C. Housing wait list and have been for two to five (or more) years.

Recently, one of your articles mentioned the $450,000 B.C. Housing contributed to housing the homeless. While watching television, I recently saw that Syrian refugees are also being housed by B.C. Housing.

My question is this: why are we not being housed as well?

When I contacted B.C. Housing, I was told that they still had no idea when I or anyone else who is on a CPP disability pension will be housed.

I quote,”for every unit that becomes available, we have 500 of you we must choose from to decide who gets it and which 499 must keep waiting.”

Does this seem fair?

I am the son of a refugee myself, so I am not against helping them. But I am disturbed that otherwise healthy and capable of working “homeless” are being housed before we are.

So I ask, am I being selfish in this or do I have a point?

Stuart Sinclair

View Royal

Goldstream News Gazette