Housing needed

Resident says more emphasis is needed on providing people with a home

I would like to comment on Lisa Anderson’s comments about shelters for the homeless luggage and carrying it on your back, Also, I have been a property owner, and manager in B.C. and Alberta.

Sure it is great to help the homeless. By all means help them (us) out whenever and where ever you can.

But truthfully, what would help us out the most is to provide affordable housing for us.

The rent keeps increasing and our shelter allowance is a measly $375. Now I am lucky because I am on disability and I get a lot more income than the average Joe on welfare.

But even still to make ends meet, I bunked up with a female friend last year. We were told that we had to go on one file, because after three months, we were considered common-law.

So once again it is  the government trying to cut down on our income, which we rely on so very much. I don’t think that there will or has been and increase to the rent portion of our cheque for some time.

What we desperately need is affordable housing. I have never had to rely on a homeless shelter until now. I also have a fully-trained, eight-year-old dog that is my best friend. I got her when I moved to B.C. because I suffered a massive head injury in 2006 in Calgary.

I came out here to relearn how to walk and talk all over again. So I got myself a dog so I had a friend to relearn to communicate with and I had someone to walk with me.

Now that the rental rate has dropped drastically, I am staying in a homeless shelter and my dog is staying with friends that still have a place that allows pets.

Thank God for them because my dog is my life and heart, and I don’t know where I would be without her.

So instead of Canadians helping others abroad and in other countries, help your own countrymen out first.

As for me, if things go good after being hit by a car, I will be buying a place that can be converted into affordable housing for the homeless here in Vernon.

This will include myself because it really lowers one’s self esteem when you seem like you are not worthy of even renting your own place.

David Fromow



Vernon Morning Star