How could 97 per cent of scientists be wrong?

Dear editor,

Re: Climate change nothing but a scam (Nov 17): Two consecutive weeks, two Black Press newspapers, two letters by climate deniers and another rant by oil industry advocate Tom Fletcher. I wait with bated breath for opinion pieces on the health benefits of smoking, and how alcohol is good for the developing fetus. Cherry picking facts to suit one’s argument does not change the truth. There is a 97 per cent consensus among climate scientists that the present period of climate change has been brought on by our burning of fossil fuels and that this change is endangering our ability to survive on earth. If my child showed symptoms of being ill and 97 doctors told me I could help by taking certain measures, would I listen? Or would I prefer the three doctors who told me I had nothing to worry about?

Charles Vaughan

Black Creek


Comox Valley Record